If you build it, they will come

This may be true in baseball movies, however it sure does not work when it comes to building a successful website! To get your website noticed you have to advertise. Without advertising on search engines, potential visitors will simply not be able to find you, and that means no hits! Don't make this costly error!

Virtual Search Services custom promotes your website for you by submitting your URL and information to hundreds of search engines, directories, yellow pages, and announce sites.

 Why choose Virtual Search Services?

There are web sites which can automatically submit your site for you. You fill out the information once and then they automatically submit that information to about 30 or more search engines for you. However, every search engine has different requirements. Some accept a 15 word description, and others up to 50 words. If the form that you initially fill out accepts a maximum of 20 words and that description then gets sent to a search engine that accepts only 15 words, your description will be cut off mid sentence. Or conversely, you can miss out on 2/3rds of the valuable description space available to you. You also run the risk of being listed under the wrong category. Consequently, you cannot rely on those sites which submit your URL automatically. To do the best, and most reliable job of submitting your information, your URL and website information MUST be submitted manually.

Virtual Search Services submits your URL and website information to search engines, prominent Internet directories, yellow pages, and announce sites by hand, one by one. However, Virtual Search Services does not stop at just submitting your URL and information. We take special measures to ensure that your website is as close as possible to the TOP of the search lists! We also offer multiple page listing services, necessary if your site contains several different services or product lines that need individual attention.


Package 1

3 months submission of your URL and information to the most popular search engines on the web for $100.00.

Package 2

6 months submission of your URL and information to the most popular search engines on the web for $185.00.

Package 3

9 months submission of your URL and information to the most popular search engines on the web for $275.00.

Package 4

12 months submission of your URL and information to the most popular search engines on the web for $350.00.


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Virtual Solutions
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated: January 8, 2014
Design by Virtual Solutions
Hosting by EZ-Hosts.net

PO Box 888
Killington, Vermont 05751